“ Space is the world’s new war-fighting domain ”
Not long after the launch of BOHOLECTIC WAVE – the Collection that was Inspired by the life and death cycles of stars and the Space itself- U.S government made an interesting announcement to the world.
The collection aims to mimic the elements, formation shapes, and stories of the universe’s galaxies. Incorporating tiny seed beading, hand-knitted ring attachments, and eco-friendly fabrics (such as raw silk), Minzkou weaves together and further embellishes these materials to create a collection that reflects the splendor and endless wonder of the stars that glitter our skies. The announcement made was about the new U.S Space Force of the States.
POTUS signed the National Defense Authorization Act during a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Md. and with it officially directed the establishment of the U.S SPACE FORCE (USSF) as the sixth branch of the armed forces. The U.S. Space Force’s mission is to “organize, train, and equip space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space.
You may wonder the relation between these two incidents of Boholectic Wave Collection and the Space force. NOTHING. We just knew this as well that everything is and have been moving into space and the Stars has begun revealing its mystery weather anyone is aware or not… We knew it through the news published in the inner self newspaper. Now it’s time to expand our consciousness towards the vastness of the universe to discover new psyches.
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